Please enter your personal data here as well as the details of the deceased one for the the QR code is to be created.
Select the tariff or term and the number of QR Code badges you require.
We guarantee the functionality of your QR code according to the duration you choose.
Upload your pictures here. Up to 10 images can be uploaded.
For perfect presentation on your mobile device we recommend a resolution of 1024 X 768 pixels.
The sequence of images in the slideshow is determined by the order of the predefined upload fields. The individual images are taken in 4-second increments distance displayed
Attention: Don't forget to press the upload button before clicking on the „Next“ button.
In this step you confirm our terms and conditions in order to order bindingly your chosen tariff and your personal QR Code badge.
The preview gives you the opportunity to inspect your product before placing your order.
WSelect your preferred payment mode. After receipt of the money we will contact you personally. QR Code badge and deliver with a delivery time of about 15 working days.
Before the end of the term (2 years / 5 years) you will receive a message from us whether you want to continue using our service.
If you decide not to book another rate, the functionality will be switched off (without any further effort for you).